Online Placement Test

Find out how much you know, what stumbling blocks you have and which gaps need filling. Our placement test will help us find the answers for you.

English courses
Group CodeDayTimeRoomCourse BeginTrainerWeeksmax. p.
EN3M/W12:45 - 14:00F2F F090424.02.2025Robert1610330,-
EN6M/W11:30 - 12:45F2F F090424.02.2025Robert1610330,-
EN8Tu/Th11:30 - 12:45Virtual25.02.2025Robert1610330,-
CEFRLInlinguaUN Levels
B2, C13.1+3.2N7+N7/8+Advanced

For groups with fewer than 5 participants the following conditions apply:

2 participants = 1 session à 60 minutes per week

3 participants = 2 session à 50 minutes per week

4 participants = 2 sessions à 60 minutes per week